about us


So glad you stopped by! 

Welcome to our little dream that became a reality. Our names are Meghan and Kennedy - sisters and best friends. Growing up, we always dreamt of having our own kids clothing store one day.

We have both grown up working with kids and have found our style of what we like. Getting a little fix here and there of multiple families, minimalistic clothing is something we stand for. We, ourselves, are minimalistic and dress for comfy-cute. After many requests of parents wanting clothes like ours for their own kids, we knew that this was our style and could easily be theirs too. 

Yet neither one of us hold the title of “mom”, we know that one day we will. The moon, a waxing crescent, will eventually develop into a full moon, just like your child will one day develop into their full potential. Welcome to one day kids, where your child will one day fulfill their dreams as well.